
Thursday, 30 October 2014

An Update on Whats Next!

Trek Orientation and Training is nearly complete! With only a few more days on Canadian soil, I'm looking back and seeing what a great time it's been. We have had the privilage of sitting under the teaching and wisdom of some of the best and brightest of the MB conference, and have been filled with new information, knowledge, tools and skills for building the Kingdom. We've also learned how much we need the Spirit, and how nothing we do makes a difference unless God's hand is in it! We've been preparing so much... Now we just want to get out there!

Looking forward, I am so excited to step out in faith in Thailand! We've gotten a better picture of what we will be doing, and its pumping us up in a serious way! We're going to be trekking through Burma(Myanmar), travelling through the jungles and mountains of that country telling people about Jesus! We are going to be supporting a Burmese church plant in Thailand, helping to lead (and be led) by our passionate Burmese brothers and sisters! We are going to be working with at-risk Burmese children, teaching them and loving them! We are going to be playing and teaching music, to bless the body of Christ there! And we are going to be immersed in culture as we attend language classes, eat, live, worship, and serve with the Burmese people in Thailand! God is at work, and we get to be a part of it!

The idea that God wants to use us to further His Kingdom is so amazing - sometimes I think that God couldn't possibly use me! He couldn't possibly work through me to change peoples lives! And yet if God is for us who can be against us? What could possibly separate us from the love of God? In his hand, the weakest and most seemingly useless tool becomes a STRONG and POWERFUL agent for redemption and transformation! So don't focus on yourself - be open to be used by God! You don't have to travel accross the globe or change postal codes to make a difference; it can be as simple as stepping out in faith in your own neighborhood. 

We are having a commissioning service at CMU in Winnipeg at 7:00 PM on November the 2nd (Sunday evening) - if you can, come out to hear some cool stories and worship God with us. DO IT! If you can't because of distance, we will be streaming it online!!! will get you in, and you can join us from afar! (I think thats pretty cool)

So pray for us as we step out in faith! We are almost there!

Friday, 17 October 2014

Some thoughts on Discipleship!

This week we were joined in training by Paul Kroeker, who inspired us with his passion for discipleship! I've always been very excited about discipleship, and for me just made me SO EXCITED for our assignment. 

Below I'm going to share some insights that Paul gave us, just because they are SO GOOD, and I hope that Adrienne and I and you guys will be invited to a life of discipleship!

"Discipleship is not Optional for those who want to follow Jesus or claim to be 'Christians'.
Discipleship is not striving to be better/work harder - it gives permission for the Holy Spirit to work. Discipleship is not defined by an academic curriculum; it is not a package of dvd's, or a set of books. Discipleship is not a one-size-fits-all program. The training must be tailored to those involed. Discipleship is not just for professional clergy or those in paid ministry but for every follower of Jesus. Discipleship is not hierarchical; it is not a master training a servant, and it is not us and them. Discipleship is not a 'perfect person' working with imperfect people, or thr successful working with the unsuccessful; it is broken people being used by God to heal broken people in the name of Jesus. Discipleship is not 'part-time' nor simply an enrichment program for self-improvement; it is for every follower of Jesus, every-where, all the time and our transformation is always intended to bless others. Discipleship is not a mission trip/one-year program but a long obedience in the same direction, for life. Discipleship may begin as a one-on-one relationship but it continues in the body of Christ, the church."

Keith Phillips: "Ingenious in its simplicity, this was the essence of Christ's plan to reach the world for God. He knew that it could not fail. For true disciples will not only grow in the likeness of their Master; in time, by His Spirit, they will reproduce His life in others."

Bill Hull: "Discipleship is not one of the things the Church does, it is THE thing the Church does!"

Discipleship is not just something we do and then stop doing, it has to be what we are about! Jesus spent His ministry years with a group of 12 men, rather then taking every opportunity to speak to the masses, He chose to speak to them, because Life-on-life mentoring and discipleship is where life change is. 

In the non-North-American church, in many discipleship training programs, you graduate once you've planted your own church. Then, once you've planted 4 or 5, you start a discipleship training program of your own! WOW that hit me! The 5 prayers most common there are: Let us be faithful and endure, let our blood not be wasted, let others join us, let God be glorified, and let the global church stand with us. Not for health, or safety, or comfort, but for boldness and endurance to stay the course and continue multiplying people who love JESUS!! I pray that we be able to experience that too. 

Monday, 13 October 2014


Woah it's already been 5 weeks! Time flies when you are having fun! It's hard to believe that we will be in Thailand in under a month, but it's the truth. Thanks to all of you reading this for supporting us and praying for us - we definitely can't do this without you!

This week of training, we focused a lot on evangelism. Now, I know for some of us (me included) that word can be crazy scary! Like, is it just attacking people on the street and yelling at them about Jesus? I had always wondered if evangelism could be accomplished without being offensive. Well, I've learned two things. One, evangelism is so many things - it is building relationships with people, telling them about Jesus, living life with them, and being who Jesus wanted us to be in the world; salt and light. It can be accomplished in many ways - through relationships, discipleship, proclaiming the gospel, social justice, and so much more.  Two, unfortunately the gospel is offensive! We are telling people, basically, that it isn't all about them! WHAT? It's not all about me? Truth. With Jesus as our Lord, our lives are lived for His glory, not our own. That means being humble, and not seeking to build our kingdom, but HIS. Evangelism is telling people in a dying world that they need Jesus; that there is a remedy for their sickness, a purpose for their existence, and a God who at the same time is the creator of the universe, and close enough to touch. It isn't telling people how bad they are compared to you, because we are all the same; It's like one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. If we look at it in those terms... we realize that there is a time limit on our evangelism. People are dying every day without Jesus - some without ever hearing His name. Can we sit by and accumulate wealth on earth, while we are going bankrupt spiritually? It's a lot to think about! It has made me re-think what evangelism means to me. I've also been just realizing more and more how much we need the Holy Spirit in us. We can't do anything apart from it! We are the hands and feet, but the Spirit is the one who saves people. 

Here is a short video from this week. (here's the link, if the video doesn't work)

Also this week, we got the privilege of delivering sermons that we had prepared, under the ever-wise eye of Elton DeSilva, the MB conference pastor. It was a great growing experience for all of us! I spoke on the relationship between Faith and Works found in James 2, and Adrienne spoke on 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5, about the need for us to be weak for God's strength to work in us. 
Adrienne rocking her sermon!
God bless you all, and Happy Thanksgiving!

- Jeremy

Sunday, 5 October 2014

House Blend!

So for most of the month of October, we are staying at a SWEET place called house blend ministries! It's in Winnipeg, and it is a rooming house that offers low rates so that people at risk of homelessness can have a safe, chill and awesome place to live!! It's also a house church plant of the MB conference - they meet for a potluck and church every Tuesday at 7! Our housemates are super cool people, and we've had a great time getting to know them in between all our classes and busyness. It's our home for the month!

House Blend!
 Also, we have the privilege of having an amazing camera for our TREK journey, courtesy of our friend Aleida Riedstra! Hopefully we'll be able to bring you lots of cool pictures, thanks to her!
These pics are from our back lane! :)

God speaks to us personally!

I just want to share a bit about my own experience on the silent retreat. That week, as I really took time just to listen to God, I felt Him saying, “Adrienne you are valued”. That message kept coming to me, through pictures as I prayed, and through the words of others around me. But, it was a word that I struggled to receive. I like to think that I am confident and don't struggle with identity. The word “valued”, or “treasured”, seemed like a word (in my mind) for people that have self-esteem issues. So why was God speaking this word over me? 

Well, God had some work to do in my heart that week. Through some intense and amazing times of prayer, I really began to work through some of the struggles from my past, that have hindered me from truly hearing and believing that I am in fact valued by God. I found myself broken, and in tears, as I began to realize what it truly means to be cherished and treasured by our heavenly Father. God loves me! God values me! God has redeemed me and calls me His own! I am a daughter of the King! Wow! Praying into that truth, and receiving it from God has begun to change how I see myself. I am not defined by my past, but rather my identity comes from who I am in God. Maybe a simple truth, but it was ground-breaking for me this week! 

So, with God really working on my heart, and drawing me into His presence, I entered into the retreat of silence. I will admit I was a bit nervous before we started. I know I'm someone who does not know how to sit still, or deal with silence. I found myself feeling anxious and a bit antsy before we started, thinking of ways to fill all this time. But, I just really felt God speaking to me saying, “Adrienne, just be with me”. 

And wow, was it amazing! To be free from technology, distractions (thought at times silence was a distraction), and noise was very freeing. Suddenly the only thing on my schedule was being with God! It was incredibly refreshing to just “cease striving” and be still before Him (Ps. 46:10). Carrying on with what God had been speaking to me at the start of the week, I continued to experience His love for me, and to hear Him share how much He values me. I found such refreshment in pouring through Scripture, worshiping, and just being with God. I would encourage you all, to really take the time this next week to seek out a time of silence just to be in the presence of God and listen to Him (even if it's only an hour, do it!)

Training so far!!

Well, it's been almost a month since we began orientation and training for Mb Mission's TREK program. So, that probably means it's time for a solid update on what we've all been up to! Here it goes!

Orientation began on September 8th, which feels like forever ago. We spent the first three weeks in Gretna, MB, staying at MCI (which is a Christian high school and residence). It's been a blast getting to know the other Trekker's (check out the video to meet them), and learning from various different speakers and MB Mission staff.

The first three weeks of our training really focused on personal and spiritual development. We've been spending our mornings reading through passages together, journaling, memorizing passages of Scripture, worshiping and praying together. It truly has been a refreshing few weeks for both of us (especially after coming off a really busy summer of amazing camp ministry). 

spending our morning's in worship!

Week one, Carol taught about prayer and discerning the voice of God. During that first week, we also had the chance to share our testimonies as couples, and pray for one another! 

Week two, Esther Corbett (from BC) came and taught on listening to the Holy Spirit. At the end of that week we had the privilege to do a 42 hour silent retreat (yes, that's right, I said 42 hours!). It was amazing! Both Jeremy and I experienced God's presence in a very real and intimate way. 

Week three, Randy Friesen (national director of MB Mission) and Hakan (a church leader from Turkey) came and spoke about Spiritual Authority. Again, an amazing week! It was incredibly encouraging to hear Hakan's story of coming to faith, undergoing persecution, and how he longs to see his country transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ. We also really enjoyed connecting with Randy, and getting to meet with him individually for prayer. One quote from our classes that week that really stuck with me: "Our job is to go deeper in our relationship with God. God's job is to direct the scope of our ministry". 

Randy Friesen sharing stories of how God's at work around the world!
So, that brings us to this week! We are now in Winnipeg, and are moving into the ministry phase of orientation. This week we've been focusing on intercession - learning about poverty and praying for the north end and core area of the city.

Please continue to pray for us as we head into this next week. Many of us on the Trek program have been feeling sick, and could really use prayer for quick recovery, energy, and strength. We are also headed into a week where the focus is evangelism! Pray that we will be open to the Holy Spirit's leading, and that we will step out boldly and share the hope that we have!

Thanks for walking this journey with us! Blessings!

Friday, 3 October 2014

Meet the Trek Team!

Hey Everyone, just wanted to share a short video so you can meet the whole TREK team! Out of the 6 of us, we are the only ones going overseas - but the rest of them are doing really cool internships as well! Matt and Elya are going to be working in the inner city of Winnipeg, Jon is going to be working in his home church, and Laina will be working with MB Mission on Restorative Justice media/art projects. Pray for them too! :)

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Hey Friends!

We've just gotten our blog up and running! Over the next 7 months, we will be updating you all about our adventures as we follow God's call to Thailand! Thanks so much for joining us in prayer and support as we journey together.

- Jeremy