
Friday, 17 October 2014

Some thoughts on Discipleship!

This week we were joined in training by Paul Kroeker, who inspired us with his passion for discipleship! I've always been very excited about discipleship, and for me just made me SO EXCITED for our assignment. 

Below I'm going to share some insights that Paul gave us, just because they are SO GOOD, and I hope that Adrienne and I and you guys will be invited to a life of discipleship!

"Discipleship is not Optional for those who want to follow Jesus or claim to be 'Christians'.
Discipleship is not striving to be better/work harder - it gives permission for the Holy Spirit to work. Discipleship is not defined by an academic curriculum; it is not a package of dvd's, or a set of books. Discipleship is not a one-size-fits-all program. The training must be tailored to those involed. Discipleship is not just for professional clergy or those in paid ministry but for every follower of Jesus. Discipleship is not hierarchical; it is not a master training a servant, and it is not us and them. Discipleship is not a 'perfect person' working with imperfect people, or thr successful working with the unsuccessful; it is broken people being used by God to heal broken people in the name of Jesus. Discipleship is not 'part-time' nor simply an enrichment program for self-improvement; it is for every follower of Jesus, every-where, all the time and our transformation is always intended to bless others. Discipleship is not a mission trip/one-year program but a long obedience in the same direction, for life. Discipleship may begin as a one-on-one relationship but it continues in the body of Christ, the church."

Keith Phillips: "Ingenious in its simplicity, this was the essence of Christ's plan to reach the world for God. He knew that it could not fail. For true disciples will not only grow in the likeness of their Master; in time, by His Spirit, they will reproduce His life in others."

Bill Hull: "Discipleship is not one of the things the Church does, it is THE thing the Church does!"

Discipleship is not just something we do and then stop doing, it has to be what we are about! Jesus spent His ministry years with a group of 12 men, rather then taking every opportunity to speak to the masses, He chose to speak to them, because Life-on-life mentoring and discipleship is where life change is. 

In the non-North-American church, in many discipleship training programs, you graduate once you've planted your own church. Then, once you've planted 4 or 5, you start a discipleship training program of your own! WOW that hit me! The 5 prayers most common there are: Let us be faithful and endure, let our blood not be wasted, let others join us, let God be glorified, and let the global church stand with us. Not for health, or safety, or comfort, but for boldness and endurance to stay the course and continue multiplying people who love JESUS!! I pray that we be able to experience that too. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys would have a killer looking page. Good job guys. love ya'll
