We spent the last couple weeks looking back on all we had experienced and all that God had done in our lives along the way; we don't even feel like the same people anymore! God has radically shaped and transformed us, and given me especially a new-found passion for missions and for engaging the least reached! We shared our highs and our lows, and debriefed with our TREK team. It was an amazing time because all of us had such different experiences! Overseas Missions, Church Pastor Internship, Inner City Youth, and Reconciliation through Art; there was a pretty wide range of diversity in our experiences! It was so cool to see how God carried each of us through, and how He was our strength and our steadfast savior through great times and hard times. We all realized how important this program was to our future ministry! It's been such a blessing to be a part of this journey with Matt and Elya, Laina, and Jon!
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TREK class of 2015!!! |
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We ended our time together by painting epic works of art... |
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...Representing who we are, and symbolizing our year! |
With all the busyness of being back in Canada and wanting to see everyone, it's been hard to see all that's going on back in Thailand - in Bang Sai and all the churches. Even in the last 3 weeks there have been spirit-led reconciliations, people coming to faith, weddings in the church, and every day there are pictures on Facebook of the vibrant beautiful people of God, that we left behind, worshiping and loving each other and the church. We miss them so much!!!
We have seen them grow and blossom over the last 6 months, and we know the transformation in their lives has only JUST BEGUN!!! Some of them are going to be enrolling in discipleship school soon, and will be serving in the churches! They are constantly bringing people in, and we know God is going to continue to do amazing work there! The B*rmese church in Thailand is ALIVE! It has been a huge privilege to serve alongside them.
Back home, in between all our busy comings and goings, the amazing Adrienne Penner graduated from Steinbach Bible College! (where did we find time for that to happen?!)
All her hard work paid off big-time, as she received her diploma of Global Missions from President Rob Reimer. (Who knew she liked missions?!)
So what's next?!?! Well, we are whirling our way through Manitoba doing reports and presentations on our time in Thailand. We've been able to share in a few places, and soon we will be spending time in each of the 3 churches that we call home! For anyone who wants to come hang out with us and hear some cool stories of God at work, come on out! We'd love to see you!
May 17: Community Bible Fellowship Church, Swan River MB - Service at 10:30
May 24: Steinbach Mennonite Brethren Church, Steinbach MB - Sunday School at 9:30
May 31: Lakeview Community Church, Killarney MB - Service at 11:00
After that we are so excited to be back at Madge Lake Bible Camp, serving there on the leadership team!
And after that...?
Well, the hand of God has been on our hearts this last year for the B*rmese people... A passion and a burden for them has become a part of who we are, and so Adrienne and I have applied with MB Mission as long-term missionaries, hoping to serve with the people of M*anmar! We spent a week in BC meeting with the leaders of the agency, praying and seeking God's face. We have been searching for a place to serve, wanting God to show us what He has for us, and it seems that TREK Central Canada 2015 was just that. SO! This is a big step with big challenges and BIG change! We know it won't be easy, but we also know that God is walking with us into this new chapter of our lives!!!
Please continue to pray with us! Your partnership and support is so important!
- Pray for MB Mission leaders as we discern next steps together.
- Pray for us as we transition into this season of change
- Pray for Madge Lake Bible Camp - we still are in need of some staff for summer!
- Pray for the B*rmese church that it would continue to grow and see people saved!!!
- Pray for us as our schedule is a bit crazy, and we'd love some rest.
God bless you all!