
Monday, 13 April 2015

Wrapping things up!

At the beginning of our time here in Thailand, back at the start of November 2014, we thought 6 months would be a long time.... and now looking back it feels like it we only just got here!! The first two weeks in April have flown by, and without warning we are days away from leaving this amazing country and the people we've been with every day for the last half a year. 

The last 2 weeks in Thailand have been an amazing way to finish here - we feel like we've been sprinting to the finish line! 

The month started with us and Louise (and tons of churches in Canada) praying for a miracle: the Bo Thong church, newly painted and moved into only 6 months ago had been sold out from under us! The landlady made a deal with a corporation, giving the 100 or so B*rmese people in the complex (including Sue and Htoo and the church) FIVE days to move out!!

Well, prayer happens to WORK! With a day to spare, the Lord led Louise to an AMAZING house that was 4 times the size as the old one-room church, with 3 bedrooms, a big main room, kitchen, and bathroom all for the same price as the old one!!! It was the perfect building to worship in, and for Sue, Htoo, and their son Gabriel to call home. God is so good! And it's still pretty close to where the old church was, yet in an even better location - right in the middle of B*rmese factory housing!

The New Place!!!
Sue and Htoo moved in, and we spent a weekend cleaning, moving, and setting up the new place, just in time for church! The believers there were overjoyed to have such an awesome place, and 5 new people came to church, curious about the new place - and all ended up getting saved! God took a hard situation and used it to show us His goodness, His glory, and His sovereign hand at work in our lives.

Worshiping on Sunday

Easter Sunday with the B*rmese believers was as exciting as it was exhausting. We traveled to Bo Thong church by bus early in the morning, and ended up preaching the Easter message! It was a bittersweet time, as it would be the last time we visited that church. Then, we hopped back to Bang Sai and worshiped there too! 

Our last couple weeks, at every bible-study or home-cell we went to, Moe would ask us for a testimony, since we only had a few more days to share them! We constantly thanked them for their love and hospitality, and encouraged them to persevere in love. 

With only a few short days left, we prepared sermons, talks, slideshows, and songs for reporting back in Canada, and presented to the missionaries and other Trek team here. All the time we've spent here has changed us so much; preparing to present reminded me of how much I'd learned. The love of God is so powerful! It is breaking through all darkness and tearing down the veil between us and God; it is seeking people out to bring them HOME! Like Luke 10:2 says, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few - the harvest of souls will rot in the fields if no one is willing to sacrifice. 

Sunday evening came quietly. On Monday, all the believers would be travelling to Bangkok for a 3 day discipleship event, and by the time they returned, we would be gone. Everyone from Bang Sai and Bo Thong came to the church in Chachoengsao for a final service; it was glorious and sad all at the same time! 

Adrienne getting B*rmese face-painted!

The Bo Thong Church's song
Group Photo!
Sue and Htoo, and us in our new shirts. (A gift from the churches)
The Last Supper....

Some of the Bang Sai Crew

Our time here ended way too quickly. Adrienne shared about how much we've learned and been impacted by being here, and I preached a message on living in the light. The 3 churches each played a special song, and Adrienne and I wowed everyone by playing a worship song in B*mese! They gave us some wonderful gifts, and prayed for us, and then we took a million pictures, ate some food, said goodbye, and were gone. 

It was such a humbling experience. We came here to serve and do what we could, and sometimes that didn't feel like much - but God used us. He can use anyone who is willing - anyone who is available to His calling. He can use us in Canada and across the world. 

So now we pack, we pray, we get some sleep, and in a few days we fly back to Canada! It's been a while, eh? 

We are so looking forward to seeing everyone! As much as we are going to miss the people here, we are glad to be coming home. Although, now that we've been here, we really have TWO homes.

Thank you all for the prayers and support as we've been on this journey! Keep praying for us as we re-enter Canadian Culture, as we debrief, and discern what's next, and catch up on sleep! God bless!

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